Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.

- Marie Curie


Hello! I'm Sara Malvar, an electrical enginner with a master degree and a PhD in engineering. I've started my career at IBM and now I'm a postodoctoral fellow at the Research Center for Gas Innovation. I've also worked as a professor for Mechanical and Electrical Enginnering students and I'm now a machine learning mentor, reviewer and instructor at Udacity, Alura and Awari. It's always gratifying to help and teach people as well as partaking in a rabbit hole with students because everyone asks different qestions that would never occur to me.

I'm always looking for new projects, so feel free to browse the projects section to check out what I've built. If you want to work with me, want a mentorship or consulting shoot me an email at or connect on linkedIn.


  • A rheological approach to identify efficient biopolymer producing bacteria. Malvar, S.; Cardoso, L.O.B.; Karolski, B. ; Perpetuo, E. A.; Carmo, B.S. and Meneghini, J.R., Biotechnology and Bioengineering (Under Review), 2020.

  • The wavelet analysis as a tool to understand active flexible filaments kinematics and propulsion. Malvar, S. and Carmo, B.S., Meccanica (Under Review), 2020.

  • Rheology of a nematic active suspension undergoing oscillatory shear and step strain flows. Malvar, S.; Carmo, B. S. and Cunha, F. R., Rheologica Acta, v.58, pp. 771-779, 2019.

  • On the oscillatory behavior of living particles suspension under step strain. Malvar, S.; Carmo, B. S. and Cunha, F. R., In: 71th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Georgia/Atlanta, 2018.

  • Microstructural transition in an ordered set of magnetic spheres immersed in a carrier liquid. Gontijo, R.G. and Malvar, S., Mechanics Research Communication, v. 83, pp. 12-17, 2017.

  • On the kinematics-wave motion of living particles in suspension. Malvar, S.; Gontijo, R.G.; Carmo, B.S. and Cunha, F.R., Biomicrofluidics, v. 11, pp. 044112, 2017.

  • Nonlinear motion of an oscillating bubble immersed in a magnetic fluid. Malvar, S.; Gontijo, R.G. and Cunha, F.R., Journal of Engineering Mathematics, v. 1, pp. 1-28, 2017.

  • The influence of a magnetic field on the mechanical behavior of a fluid interface. Gontijo, R.G.; Malvar, S.; Sobral, Y.D. and Cunha, F.R., Meccanica, v. 52, pp. 1309-1327, 2017.

  • Rheological aspects of C. elegans suspensions under oscillatory shear. Malvar, S.; Carmo, B.S. and Cunha, F.R., In: 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Denver/Colorado, 2017.

  • Magnetic particulate suspensions from the perspective of a dynamical system. Gontijo, R.G.; Malvar, S. and Cunha, F.R., Powder Technology, v. 297, pp. 165-182, 2016.

  • Pattern Identification on the Nonlinear Radial Motion of an Oscillating Spherical Bubble Using Neural Networks. Malvar, S.; Gontijo, R.G. and Cunha, F.R., Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, v. 13, pp. 2464-2489, 2016.

  • On the Sedimentation of a Blob of Particles Suspended in a Viscous Fluid. Cerqueira, W.; Gontijo, R.G.; Malvar, S. and Cunha, F.R., In: COBEM, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, 2015.

  • Characterizing the vibrational modes of a cavitating bubble immersed in a magnetic fluid. Malvar, S.; Gontijo, R.G. and Cunha, F.R., In: COBEM, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, 2015.

  • Vibrational Modes on the Non-linear Motion of an Oscilatting Bubble in a Newtonian Fluid using Neural Networks.. Malvar, S.; Gontijo, R.G. and Cunha, F.R., In: 17th International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics - Diname, Natal/RN, 2015.

  • Controle Dinâmico de Oscilações não-Lineares de uma Bolha em meio Magnético. Malvar, S.; Gontijo, R.G. and Cunha, F.R., In: 20º Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UnB e 11º Congresso de Iniciação Científica do DF, Brasília/DF, 2014.